Thinking that Mercury Retrograde is all bad news and you should hide from it? Think Again.

Mercury is the Magician in the Tarot...

And He Plays the Most Magical Retrograde Game!

Cosmic Conversations:

The Hidden Magic of Mercury Retrograde

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Every Mercury Retrograde Has Its Own Frequency + Unique Gifts

The next Mercury Retrograde in Aries is going to be AWESOMELY POWERFUL and VERY PERSONAL for your healing, growth, & evolution, especially with the other rare transits — Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Taurus, Pluto in Aquarius, a Total Solar Eclipse in Aries — happening at the same time.

We will never experience this unique, expansive, life-changing combination of transits together again!

Learn how to work with Mercury Retrograde in a New Earth, 5D way to accelerate your personal journey.

Ready to Play Mercury's Magical Retrograde Game?

We’ll give you the X codes & keys

to align X with Mercury Retrograde

and his allies X in a 5D way so you can

break free from old X patterns

and become a more authentic version of yourself.

Here Are 4 Secrets You'll Learn By

Joining Our M Cosmic Conversations:


The difference between old-paradigm, 3D astrology and New Earth, 5D astrology and the Gift of Mercury Retrograde.


How the next Mercury Retrograde in Aries is leading the shift from "I AM" to "I AM authentically me" (and how to work with that energy for your journey).


The 2 planets that will be rebalancing the masculine and feminine during Mercury Retrograde in Aries and the 3 passes.


Why you absolutely should (against all the common advice) start something new (and what that should be) during Mercury Retrograde in Aries.

Your Speaker, (Kimberly renay)

Cosmic Soul Connector @ The Hidden Pieces!

I help you uncover the hidden parts of soul and reconnect you with your soul truths through Astrology, pets, intuitive soul painting, oracles. I love guiding people through their birth chart soul map as you journey through life.

The more you can discover YOU, the more you are in your purpose naturally.

So I started learning about myself through Astrology. I began by studying with Debra Silverman who combines Esoteric (Soul-centered) Astrology with psychology, and then I dove into Hellenistic (traditional) Astrology, studying with Adam Elenbas and Kelly Surtees, which opened up these beautiful ancient techniques to bring in more layers and deeper levels of self discovery.

It was when I learned about "Profection" years that it was revealed to me that

your different charts (birth chart, progressed chart, & solar return chart) actually form a magical map that guides you throughout your entire life

. When you know how to read your map, the journey of your life becomes

infinitely easier.

I'm here to help you read your map so you can live your best life!